1. can prevent you from getting hurt of pulling a muscle
2.can help you mentally prepare
3.can help you with your breathing
1. your muscle can get cramped more easy
2.gets your heart rate to normal
3. makes you feel more refreashed that tired
It is physical considering how long the body takes to develop control over the body
BID, TID, and QID are terms used by doctors for prescribing medicines. BID in Latin stands for <em>bis in die</em>, which means twice a day. When the doctor prescribes a drug with BID priority, it means that the nurse should give it twice, normally with a 12-hour interval. TID stands for <em>ter in die</em>. This means it should be administered three times a day. If this is the prescription of the doctor, the medicine should be given three times within 24 hours. This is within an 8-hour interval. Lastly is QID. In Latin, this means <em>quater in die</em> which means four times a day. Usually, this has a 6-hour interval.