<span>ALSO ON HUFFPOST:Unexpected Side Benefits Of Exercise</span>Suggest a correction<span>Sarah Klein </span>Senior Editor, Health & Fitness; Certified Personal TrainerMORE:Huffmag Your Body On Exercise Best Of Huffpost Exercise Physiology Body On ExerciseCONVERSATIONS
The medical Assistant should apologize for the inconvenience and explain to the patients in the waiting room that there was an emergancy at the hospital and reschedule their appointments.<span />
A person who publicly supports an idea.
Advocacy is active promotion of a cause or principle
Advocacy involves actions that lead to a selected goal
Advocacy is one of many possible strategies, or ways to approach a problem
Advocacy can be used as part of a community initiative, nested in with other components.
Advocacy is not direct service
Advocacy does not necessarily involve confrontation or conflict
Ojos rojos, Dificultad para hablar, mareos y sueño constante!