(a) Planning
The <u>work breakdown structure consists of the tasks required to accomplish a project goal, arranged into sections.</u>
It is usually developed at the <u>planning stage</u> of project management, before other project activities are carried out.
For example: 1) The the judicial laws and regulations should be updated in the gap of some years in order to prevent the flaws in those laws and regulations. 2) The rules related with the political sectors are also need improvements in order to prevent the core political corruption.
The English Word Street has been originated from the Latin word "Strada".
The word "Strada" means 'paved road or way'. The word "Strada" in Late Latin is originated from another Late Latin word "sternere" which means 'lay down'.
<u>The English word "street" is a noun which in English means 'a public road which has building constructed on it either on one side or both'.</u>
So, the correct answer is option B.
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