Statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it.
It will result /lead to side effect that could be fatal and life threatening since its inactivation time is longer thus the effect of the large dose will be more pronounced and long lasting.
An hormone agonist is a compound/molecule that can bind to the hormone specific receptor leading to the activation of the endocrine gland, the biosynthesis of secreted hormone and the eliciting the physiological effects of such hormone. Androgenic anabolic efficacy of steroids is usually goverened by their receptor binding andspecificity and their biotransformation from active to inactive form. Possible side effect include elevated blood pressure, voice deepening, decease libido, early myocardial infarction and many more
Sandy loam
sandy loam is better than silt loam because sandy loam has smaller particles than silt loam for easy drainage.
Gout is a complex form of arthritis which is caused by a build up of uric acid. The particular patient population that is always affect is those who have high quantity of uric acid in their blood. The common cause of this medical condition is excess amount of uric acid that is present in the blood. The condition is characterized by severe pain,inflammation, redness and tenderness of joints.
Products of aerobic respiration would be water and carbon dioxide