Eons: Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic
charles darwin proposed thoery of natural selection.he had collected imnumerable specimens of plant and animals.he published concept survival of fittest. while explaining he says that There is always competition for food.only those organism survive which shows adptations in various reasons. it thoery of natural selection.
There are some objections,
1. natural selection is not only factor responsible for evolution.
2. darwin did not mention uesful and useless modifications.
3. There is no explanation about slow and abrupt changes
Aerobic bacteria can be used to use the available oxygen in the water to degrade the pollutants in the waste and convert it into energy it can use for its metabolic processes.
Water puts out fire by creating a barrier between the fuel source and the oxygen source (it also has a cooling effect which has to do with the energy required to convert liquid water into water vapor). It does this because it is a completely, 100% oxidized material. It simply cannot oxidize any further so it will not “burn”. This smothers the fire. The same thing would happen if you used the ashes that remained after a completely spent fire. Or, as I mentioned before, CO2.