A função do citoplasma é fornecer sustentação esquelética para a célula através da estrutura composta por filamentos e túbulos proteicos. Além disso, todo o conjunto de estruturas mergulhadas no citosol apresenta bastante dinamismo, fato que possibilita à célula realizar alguns movimentos.
No citoplasma, ainda há membranas que atuam como verdadeiras usinas intracelulares, que fornecem energia indispensável à manutenção da vida.
Outro fato que você deveria saber sobre o citoplasma é que ele preenche todo o interior das células eucariontes, sendo delimitado pela membrana plasmática. Já nas células procariontes, o citoplasma fica entre a membrana plasmática e o núcleo da célula.
governments’ anti-corruption strategies that attempts to deal with corruption
as a whole are;
1. The use of internet platforms and social media. It
involves the use of social media and websites whre citizens can anonymously
report corruption.
<span>Comparison of data from
different sources. This strategy uses
sources from different data that would expectedly give similar results in the
absence of corruption. The difference of data can be used as evidence of
Higher temperature affects plants’ growth especially in temperate crops like wheat. It reduces the growth of shoots and roots in plants. This, in turn, results in a substantial reduction in the overall height of the plant. High air temperature can lead to dehydration and scorched leaves.
In general, the increase of temperature would cause a damage in ecology of a certain area as most plants would not be able to adapt to this change. This, in turn, will affect the distribution of such plant species as they would die off unless placed in an environment with more favorable conditions.