A high school band director has 120 students in his marching band. The marching band plays at all football games, so the band mu
st travel by school bus to each away game. The band director knows that each school bus holds 60 students. Which of the following best describes a method of assigning the band students to the two school buses so that each band student has a fair chance of being selected for either school bus? There is no way to assure that each band student has a fair chance of being selected for either bus. Randomly assign each student an unique number ranging from 1 to 120. Label colored balls with each number that is assigned to a student. Place all of the labeled balls into a bin, and randomly select 60 balls. The students with numbers found on the first 60 randomly selected balls will be assigned to the first school bus, and the remaining 60 students will be assigned to the second school bus. Using a random number generator, assign each band student a number, eliminating duplicate numbers. Assign each band student with a positive number to the first school bus, and assign each band student with a negative number to the second school bus. Using a random number generator, assign each band student a number, eliminating duplicate numbers. Assign each band student with an even number to the first school bus, and assign each band student with an odd number to the second school bus.
Randomly assign each student an unique number ranging from 1 to 120. Label colored balls with each number that is assigned to a student. Place all of the labeled balls into a bin, and randomly select 60 balls. The students with numbers found on the first 60 randomly selected balls will be assigned to the first school bus, and the remaining 60 students will be assigned to the second school bus.
The integer would be: -25, because Mr. Williams was below sea level, and not above, so the integer that would represent this situation would be a negative integer.