A survey of employees at Freemont Hospital found that 82% of employees stated that they want to improve their job skills. Howeve
r, a review of training participation found that only 25% of employees had taken advantage of Freemont's in-house training programs during the last year.1. Freemont's training programs are not job relatedTrueFalseUnknown2. 75% of employees didn't participate in in-house trainingTrueFalseUnknown3. Employees don't know about the training programsTrueFalseUnknown4. Over 20% of employees report that they are not interested in improving their job skillsTrueFalseUnknown
1) The passage doesn't give any information about the quality or content of trainings so it is unknown whether the trianings were related to job or not.
2) Information about employee participation is not mentinoed in the paragraph
3) This information is not available in the passage.
4) 82% stated that they want to improve their job skills leaving 18% of the employees.