Mitochondria converts food energy into cell energy for the cell use this probides energy for the ribosome
Phalanges: long bones
Sternum: flat bone
Vertebrae: Irregular bone
Miller Urey experiment mimics the environment we had for earth billion of years ago. They put in inorganic molecules and came out with organic molecules. Other scientist thought that they messed up their experiment, but once other scientists recreated and tested. They saw that Miller and Urey were correct. And that helped them see that the origin of life can come from simple cells.
Because people may make fun of you or call you some terrible things because stds are often linked by sleeping around (obvi not always true but that’s what people make it out to be)
and i’m good lol you?
Due to inability to survive in aerobic condition.
The strain dies when exposed to a normal laboratory atmosphere instead of nitrogen gas atmosphere because the mutation causes change in the capability of the strain to survive in the aerobic conditions. This mutation inactivate several enzymes which is also responsible for their capabilities of surviving under both anaerobic and aerobic environment so that's why the strain dies when exposed to normal atmosphere..