Answer: Network access control (NAC)
The solution that should be used is the network access control. Network access control helps in keeping devices and users that are unauthorized out of ones private network.
In this case, since one will like to prevent the laptops from connecting to the network unless anti-virus software and the latest operating system patches are installed, then the network access control can be used. One can only give access to the device that it wants to give access to and prevent others from connecting.
A worm as a multicell organism, but a virus is a single cell.
Mechanical mouse has a ball that turns rollers inside. If friction is lost between the ball and the mousing surface, or between the ball and the rollers, the mouse fails to work. In order to assure good contact with the mousing surface, the ball must be fairly heavy. When you change directions with the mouse, you must make the ball change rolling directions--an action that inertia likes to prevent.
An optical mouse makes use of an LED and some optics to detect surface texture and the changes in it as the mouse is moved. There are no moving parts
The output will be 10.
The while loop runs until numb is equal to or less than 13.
25 - 5 = 20
20 - 5 = 15
15 - 5 = 10, which is less than 13 so the loop stops and 10 is printed to the screen.