it benefits the thing or area it lives on?
Loess is a sediment that is formed from silt deposits due to wind. The composition of the silt is clay and sand. The components are cemented together by calcium carbonate. The silts are blown by wind and accumulate in a singular location.
The correct answer is B. 1, 2, and 4
Option no 1 is true because before maturity, the mosquitoes will not be able to cause malaria and will be easier to kill.
Option no 2 is true because in order to ensure a safe control, the Brachiola gambiae shouldn't be dangerous to other animals or insects.
Option No 3 is not true because Mosquito larvae will contain the male larvae also. As the male larvae are not harmful, hence their growth shouldn't be stopped or they should not be killed.
Option No 4 is correct because before applying any controlling measures for a problem, it should always be kept in mind that it should not have negative effects on other food systems.
Answer No 5 is false because as the females Anopheles are harmful, they should be killed. The male Anopheles are not harmful hence, they should not be killed.