No, all the pieces of paper did not remains waterproof because expansion of paper occur due to high temperature of hot water. We know that materials expand when they experience high temperature and contract when they observe cold temperature. So the pieces of paper remains waterproof which were put in cold water while those were not waterproof which were put in hot water.
Like-charged bodies will repel each other. When they're brought
closer together, they'll repel each other with even more force.
convert starch to glucose
Relatively hot objects emit visible light.
Some examples:
==> the wire coils in the toaster;
==> the spoon that you stuck in the flame on the stove;
==> the fine wire in the lightbulb when current goes through it.
VERY radioactive objects also do that. But if you're actually
standing there watching an object that's THAT radioactive,
then you're in big trouble.