Cross country is a skiing muscular endurance because during the spring and the summertime start exercises of general muscular endurance (physical and gymnastic exercises) using a program of lower intensity without weights. Strength training is the kind of exercise that builds healthy muscle tissue. Strong muscles help you to move your body more efficiently, also become more coordinated and better able to perform technical movements.
Typical exercises could be: push-ups (1), bench dips (2), lunges (3), calf raise (4).
I hope i gave you a good understanding good luck!!
B) Would be the best of the choices given in ny opinion. Because the only other one that i thought of was A but physical fitness is not a planned event ect
Because it has the larger mass
El sistema límbico también se puede definir como el cerebro emocional.
Este conjunto de estructuras, que es el sistema límbico, se encuentra en el cerebro debajo de la corteza y es responsable del comportamiento, los recuerdos y las emociones.
El sistema límbico coordina las actividades sociales humanas a través de la estructura de neuronas que permiten a los seres humanos desarrollar relaciones sociales y emociones para que haya vida en comunidad.
Su funcionamiento se da en diferentes estructuras, las cuales son: circunvolución cingulada, hipocampo, amígdalas, tálamo, hipotálamo, tabique, cuerpo del pezón. Todos estos componentes son esenciales para la regulación de las emociones humanas y funcionan a través de la regulación de hormonas, regulación de emociones, regulación de funciones motoras y sensoriales, etc.
BID, TID, and QID are terms used by doctors for prescribing medicines. BID in Latin stands for <em>bis in die</em>, which means twice a day. When the doctor prescribes a drug with BID priority, it means that the nurse should give it twice, normally with a 12-hour interval. TID stands for <em>ter in die</em>. This means it should be administered three times a day. If this is the prescription of the doctor, the medicine should be given three times within 24 hours. This is within an 8-hour interval. Lastly is QID. In Latin, this means <em>quater in die</em> which means four times a day. Usually, this has a 6-hour interval.