Matter: Gases,plasma,melting &freezing, solids, vapor
Not Matter: time,sound,sunlight,heat,gravity
The number of STR repeats is unique and therefore it is considered as an allele of that <em>locus</em>
Short Tandem Repeats (STRs), also known as microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs), are short DNA sequences with a size of 1-6 nucleotide bases which may be many times repeated in tandem. STRs localize in specific regions of the genome (<em>loci</em>) and therefore they are molecular markers. Gel electrophoresis a technique used to separate DNA fragments based on their size. In consequence, the pattern of STR repeats or 'alleles' obtained by electrophoresis can be used to identify individuals. In a gel electrophoresis, STR markers produce different bands that run more slowly or faster on the gel in different lanes according to their size (e.g., more slowly >> higher size of the STR sequence), and thereby STR alleles are unique and serve to identify individuals.
I am 99% the answer is A. Darwin did not discover Archaea, Evolution does NOT happen in a straight line, and variation is totally different than evolution.