Yellow flower color (Y) is dominant over white flower color (y). Plant A is YY while plant B is yy:
YY x yy
Yy Yy Yy Yy
All the offspring would have Yy genotype and since Y is dominant over y, all of them will have yellow flower color as opposed to while.
<em>Hence, the percentage of the offspring that will have a yellow flower would be </em><em>100%.</em>
provide the barrier that marks the boundaries of a cell.
A medical note follows a SOAP format i.e. the parts are Subjective, Objective, Assessment and plan.
The first part of the note is subjective and it involves gathering information from the patient about the onset of symptoms, location of symptons, any history etc.
The second part is objective which involves the determination or evaluation of symptoms which could be seen, heard or felt.
The third part involves assesment of symptoms and crude diagnosis of the ailment.
The fourth part involves the plan to treat the patient. Any further diagnosis,if recommended etc.
Answer:they convert light energy! they play a big part in photosynthesis