Living organisms such as bacteria, fungi, algae are very important in the soil, they perform several functions, some of which include the following;
- Living organisms help break down dead plant parts, this helps to add more nutrients to the soil
- Living organisms dig up holes in the soil, this helps to maintain aeration in the soil.
- Living organisms play a major role on the production of humus
- Living organisms help to break large particles of rock
- Living organisms such as Rhizobium bacteria help in the fixing of nitrogen
Please see the link below for more information
Mitosis occurs in somatic cells; this means that it takes place in all types of cells that are not involved in the production of gametes. Prior to each mitotic division, a copy of every chromosome is created; thus, following division, a complete set of chromosomes is found in the nucleus of each new cell. Indeed, apart from random mutations, each successive duplicate cell will have the same genetic composition as its parent, due to the inheritance of the same chromosome set and similar biological environment. This works well for replacing damaged tissue or for growth and expansion from an embryonic state. Because the genes contained in the duplicate chromosomes are transferred to each successive cellular generation, all mitotic progeny are genetically similar. However, there are exceptions. For example, there are genetic variations that arise in clonal species, such as bacteria, due to spontaneous mutations during mitotic division. Furthermore, chromosomes are sometimes replicated multiple times without any accompanying cell division. This occurs in the cells of Drosophila larvae salivary glands, for example, where there is a high metabolic demand. The chromosomes there are called polytene chromosomes, and they are extremely large compared to chromosomes in other Drosophila cells. These chromosomes replicate by undergoing the initial phases of mitosis without any cytokinesis (Figure 2). Therefore, the same cell contains thick arrangements of duplicate chromosomes side by side, which look like strands of very thick rope. Scientists believe that these chromosomes are hyper-replicated to allow for the rapid and copious production of certain proteins that help larval growth and metamorphosis
hope this helped!
<span>Moose are generally docile towards humans, but may become more aggressive during the mating season of September through October.The name "moose" comes from the Native American word "Moswa," which translates to "twig eater."On average, moose live 10 to 15 years in the wild. Moose are considered fully mature at 4 to 5 years of age.Moose are remarkably agile for their size, capable of running at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour.Moose are capable of swimming up to 10 miles without stopping.Moose are unlike many other deer species in that they are mostly solitary animals. However, strong bonds exist between mothers and calves.The moose population in North America is estimated to be fewer than 1.5 million, with 1 million in Canada alone. Up to 200,000 are estimated to live in Alaska.Moose are herbivores, and eat a large amount of terrestrial vegetation, but they also must need to consume a good amount of aquatic plants which provide moose with sodium.Moose must consume 9770 calories per day to maintain their body weight.A moose will eat up to 70.5 pounds of food a day.If a bull moose is castrated, he will shed his current set of antlers and grow new, deformed and misshapen antlers which will never be shed again. These antlers are often called "devil's antlers" and are the source of several Native American myths. In rare cases, cow moose may grow antlers due to a hormone imbalance.Because of their heavy bodies suspended by spindly legs, moose are especially dangerous when hit by passenger cars. If you are driving in an area where moose are plentiful, use caution and pay attention at all times.<span>Moose antlers may weigh up to 70 pounds, and measure 6 feet across.</span></span>
Because men have an x and a y and women have 2 x's, but sometimes a man can only have a y and a women can only have an x so it messed up
The etheric body
The etheric body is the layer of the human energy field that is most closely associated with the body's blueprint of physical health and is found closest to the physical body.
The etheric body is the first layer of the human energy field that is found to be in immediate contact with the physical body. The ether body is the energy system for the physical body as it sustains it, joins it with higher bodies and functions as the matrix for physical metabolic activities.