
The vessel is modelled after the First Law of Thermodynamics. Let suppose the inexistence of mass interaction at boundary between vessel and surroundings, changes in potential and kinectic energy are negligible and vessel is a rigid recipient.

Properties of water at initial and final state are:
State 1 - (Liquid-Vapor Mixture)

State 2 - (Liquid-Vapor Mixture)

The mass stored in the vessel is:

The heat transfer require to the process is:

Sensor/Detectors/Transducers are electrical, opto-electrical, or electronic devices composed of specialty electronics or otherwise sensitive materials, for determining if there is a presence of a particular entity or function. Many vehicles including cars, trains, buses etc. all use sensors to monitor oil temperature and pressure, throttle and steering systems and so many more aspects.
Connect the test light in series with the negative post, and start pulling feed wires. The first to check is the heavy charging wire from the alternator. A bad or leaky diode in an alternator is a very common source of overnight battery drain. Connect wires one at a time to see what lead is drawing current.
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