The exact value of sin (-270) is determined using the calculator in degrees mode. The answer is equal to 1. If the radians mode is used, -270 is equal to -2 pi/3. Hence using the calculator, we can verify that the answer is still 1. The value of -270 matters.
With two employee shifts, each will work 12 hours (2 x 12)
With three employee shifts, each will work 8 hours (3 x 8)
With four employee shifts, each will work 6 hours (4 x 6)
With six employee shifts, each will work 4 hours ( 6 x 4)
With twelve employees shifts, each will work 2 hours ( 12 x 2)
Step-by-step explanation:
The frist line may be one with the numbers 0, 1 and 2 and 10 divisions (marks at equal distance) between each integer. Each division will be equal to 0.1 units and then you can mark the second division from the zero point to the right as the 0.20 mark.
The other line must have the same integers, 0 , 1 and 2 placed in identical form as the first line. Then
- draw an inclined straight line since the point zero,
- mark 5 points in the inclined lined equally spaced over the line.
- draw a sttraight line from the 5th point to the point with the mar 1 over the base number line.
- draw a parallel line to the previous one passing trhough the second point of the inclined line and mark the point where this parallel touchs the base number line. This point shall be at the same distance from zero than the 0.2 mark was in the first number line, meaning that 0.2 and 1/5 are equivalent.
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