Planets in our solar system do not revolve around the sun in perfect circles. Their orbits are more like ovals that scientists describe as elliptical. It is one of Kepler's laws. The sun is the focus of all the planets. The correct answer is D.
I think it is "A" because the wind systems are created by uneven heating of Earth's surface.It also may help form large global wind patterns.
Answer: B
Explanation: look at the chart, easy
The momentum of an object is defined as the mass of the object times the velocity of the object, as P = m*v.
So the equipment needed would be:
Something to measure the mass of the object, like a balance.
Something to measure the speed of the object, like a doppler radar, or a simpler thing may be a cronometer, with that you can measure the amount of time that the object needs to travel a given distance, and with that you can obtain the speed of the object.
Now you can notice that speed is different than velocity, this is true, velocity is a vector, so this has a direction, then you need something to fix the direction in which the object moves, in this way you can determine the velocity.