In which specific situations can counting techniques (particularly permutuations and combinations) be applied within computer science? for anybody trying to help
I think the order should be 2-1-3-4, but the description of step 1 is confusing. In selection sort, you iterate from the point of the marker down through the entire list and find the smallest value, and swap that with the value at the marker. Then you advance the marker and repeat the process on the remainder of the list.
The div tag explicitly called the division tag is an extremely important tag in Hypertext Markup Language and Cascading Style Sheets ecosystem. Like most of the other tags used during writing and styling web documents, the div tags plays an important role as it serves as a container which is capable of holding several HTML elements such as the head, body , paragraph tags and so on. All elements within the div tags can be easily styled using the same CSS style specification without having to take the more singular and tedious approach. They also aid fast manipulation using compatible languages. Hence, using the cajas attribute, several elements within a div can be styled at the same time. Also note that , line breaks are automatically placed before and after a tag.
Hence, the div tag is the most appropriate answer.