Recycled Ammonia
Ammonia can be extracted from livestock wastewater and used as a fertilizer. There are systems available that extract the ammonia and mix it with acids to create ammonium citrate or ammonium nitrate, both of which can be used as fertilizers. The extraction system removes ammonia from the waste, which significantly reduces the amount of ammonia that is released into the air. This has the added bonus of improving the air quality where animals are kept.
those come after an earthquake and can last for up to a week after. theyre like small tremors
So that there is more gene variation. Let's say if they all had the same genes, one specific disease would be fatal for the species' existence since they would all be the same. The diverse gene pool allows species to develop different characteristics that can help them defend against disease
'Homeo' meaning 'similar' and 'stasis' meaning 'stable.' Therefore, homeostasis means it is the process used by the body to maintain a stable internal environment. Either a negative or positive feedback can be used in homeostasis.