What do you need??????????????
Multiply 4.93m by 8.5m to get 41.905m to the second power.
You do this because there are 2 identical triangles on the top. And if you put those two triangles together, you get a rectangle. The length of the rectangle is 8.5m while the width would be 4.93. Multiplying the length and width gives you the area.
Then multiply 10.2m by 8.5m to get 86.7m to the second power.
You do this because there are 2 identical triangles on the bottom. And if you put those two triangles together, you get another rectangle. The length of the rectangle is 8.5m while the width would be 10.2m. Multiplying those together gives you the area.
You then add the two areas, 41.905m to the second power and 86.7m to the second power, to get the area of the entire figure.
After adding, you get 128.605 m to the second power. That's the answer
It is 3 and 1/14ft or 3 and 4/16 ft taller