1. Farmers joined the Depression as their prices for crops dropped so they weren't making enough money. They couldn't afford to keep their farms or grow their crops. All of them went bankrupt and couldn't survive.
2. The stock market crashed which lead to people losing everything they had all their money, possessions, jobs, etc.
it is known as GDP per capita
availability heuristic
Availability heuristics strategy of decision making allows a human to use a mental shortcut using past experiences and examples that come to mind when trying to evaluate a particular concept, topic, decision, or method. For the case of Sue, she uses her past experiences to make a decision in this case. It is possible that when similar situation of two kids going to the movies at the same time, something bad happened. She uses this experience to judge her present situation.
Howard Gardner proposed a model that described nine different types of intelligences.
Howard Gardner developed the theory of multiple intelligences in 1983. According to him, there are nine different types of intelligences:
1. Musical-rhythmic and harmonic
2. Visual-spatial
3. Verbal-linguistic
4. Logical-mathematical
5. Bodily-kinesthetic
6. Interpersonal
7. Intrapersonal
8. Naturalistic
9. Existential
Since the question asks only for the number of types and does not require a description of them, let's just take a look at the logical-mathematical type of intelligence as an example. People who have developed this type of intelligence are good at recognizing patterns and analyzing problems logically. They are specially good at abstract reasoning and problem-solving.
Yes its worth it, because colonization allowed governments to profit by leasing land to companies to farm some natural resources. It did cost some, but the profits earned help make up for the expenses.