Step 2
Step 4
Step 6
Step 5
Step 1
Step 3
1. Nebular cloud of gas and dust.
2. Cloud collapses under the force of its own gravitational attraction; usually triggered by a supernova.
3. Condensed material begins to combine and form a core center. As it warms, a protostar is formed.
4. Other gas and matter of the nebular cloud begin to rotate around the protostar, forming a flattened, disk.
5. Stellar core heats as it grows; nuclear fusion begins and a star is born.
6. Nuclear energy runs out; death; possible supernova.
Stellar evolution explains the lifecycle of a star. How it is born out of a nebula which is a cloud of dust and gases. This cloud collapses under its own gravity to make smaller molecular clouds and releases gravitational potential energy. These smaller clouds then condenses into a sphere of hot gases known as protostar. These protostars will continue to grow by accretion of dust and gases from molecular cloud and form pre main sequence star. The mass of star at this stage decides whether the Star will be a brown dwarf, white dwarf, or blue giant.