There are several groups of people who have strong feelings about how animals are treated.
Vegans - vegans are opposed to consuming or using any products that are derived from animals. They believe that it is cruel and inhumane to eat or use anything that comes from animals. They are also against animal testing in research. They believe strongly in animal rights.
Peta - Peta stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. It is an American animal rights organization and they focuses on eliminating all types of animal cruelty around the world.
RSPCA - Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. It is a UK based welfare charity that focus on animal rescue and welfare throughout the entire country.
There are several groups of radical animal activists like the Animal Liberation Front that actually can do more harm than good as they conduct illegal activities under the guise of helping animals and have been known to release populations of caged or research animals into the wild and those animals have either died or ended up killing other local species or wildlife.
Consistent: prior criminal record and the severity of the current crime
Sentencing guidelines
These are refered to as law, rules or regulations, set up standard by government of a country which are usually a non-binding guidelines which brings about the type of sentence or inform sentencing in the law. It is usually used that is the federal Sentencing Guidelines is used or applied to federal judges adjudicating cases.
The Guidelines used in sentencing is set up in terms of higher sentencing ranges based on the circumstances of the offense and the criminal record of the offender
The Types of sentencing includes:
1. Concurrent, consecutive, determinate
2. Intereminate
3. Deferred
And others such as life, manditory, maximum, straight/flat sentencing.
Protestant Reformation
Since they had a split from Luther's ideas, these two were enemies.
It has a heavier mass and gravity tends to pull on it more than a basketball.
According to the theory of mercantilism, colonies should be acquired as markets and sources of raw materials. Spain, during the Age of Exploration, created trade with its colonies to send raw materials back to Spain, and then sending the finish products back to the colonies.