Answer: Yes
There is no text or excerpt for reference however, based on the question we can assume that Zara is a creative person.
A creative person is one who comes up with a new way of doing things and as such can be described as a genius. The question gives praise to the ingenuity of Zara in coming up with a makeshift fishing net to catch fish.
Zara is therefore creative because Zara managed to come up with a way to fish that the crew had not had before which caught enough fish for the marooned crew to avoid starvation.
This story is referring to Mark Twain's short story ''The Story Of The Bad Little Boy'' written in 1875.
That ''Bad Little Boy'' from the story is called Jim. Most of the bad boys were called with the same name in Sunday books.
- They had mothers that taught them everything, sang them lullabies, kissed them for a good night and they were sad and sick.
- This boy Jim was having a mother that did not teach him to sing his prayers and she was different from the other mothers in Sunday School books. She wasn't anxious about her child, she did not kiss him for a good night and she spanked him. She was not a sample of a good mother like in other books so here the most important difference is mother.
C. Rant
he went into a long rant about the outcome of the last election