Answer: 54 atm
I did 67/82.5 then got 0.8121212121. I them divided 44 by 0.81212121 and got 54.1791044776
Combination reaction
N2+H2 = NH3
they combine together to form a product
It is energetically favorable for all atoms to have a complete outer
electron shell. Loosely, the atoms on the left hand side of the periodic
table only have a few extra electrons in their outer shell so it is
energetically favorable for them to lose them. The atoms on the right
hand side of the periodic table almost have enough electrons in their
outer shell and so they have a tendency to gain them.
Once electrons have left an electron shell, an atom will have a positive
charge because it has more protons (positive charges) than electrons
(negative charges). Similarly, an electron which has gained electrons to
complete its outer shell will have a negative charge because it now has
more electrons (negative charge) than protons (positive charge).
the answer to that question is d
De acordo com a teoria de Arrhenius, os ácidos são os compostos que se dissociam no meio aquoso para gerar os íons hidrogênio H + no meio aquoso.