Joe Biden
Joe Biden Is in the lead in Nevada and he is gaining ground in Pennsylvania and Georgia. He only needs to win one more state to be president while Trump has to win all the states that remain. Joe Biden just has a bigger chance of winning.
1. A. It is true. Poor decision can be embarrassing at the same time humiliating if a person decides to be in school naked.
2. A. True. It is hard to change a decision when it is strongly pursued and done in the process. It can be irreversible, but can be corrected if rectified.
Non material culture
There are two types of culture, material and non material culture. The non material culture is the parts of culture you cannot touch, feel taste or hold. Examples of non material culture include social roles, ethics, and beliefs. Culture is the set of patterns of human activity within a society or social group. Culture is how we act, think, and behave based on the shared values of our society. It is how we understand symbols, from language to hand gestures.
The correct answer is : The sense of relief and freedom
It means for the person who wrote it that America was a temporary relief from the regret and guilt that afflicted him in back in Afghanistan. For him, America was different and made him feel freedom from his past. The American country gave him a new life and a new opportunity to start over