To find a percentage of a number we multiply the percentage times the number and get the result, here we have the percentage and the result and need to find out which number it corresponds to, lets write an equation to do so and keep in mind that the percentage itself can be written in a different way:
225% = 225 out of 100 = 225/100
So we have this equation, where we call x the number we are looking for:
<span>(225%)(x) = 81
</span>(225/100)(x) = 81
so we solve for x:
225x = 81*100 = 8100
x = 8100/225
x = 36
The original number is 36, hence 225% of 36 is 81
<u>Part</u><u> </u><u>(</u><u>i</u><u>)</u>
1) AB is perpendicular to BC, ED is perpendicular to CD, BC = CD (given)
2) Angles ABC and CDE are right angles (perpendicular lines form right angles)
3) Angles ABC and CDE are equal (all right angles are equal)
4) Angles ACB and DCE are equal (vertical angles are equal)
5) Triangles ABC and EDC are congruent (ASA)
<u>Part</u><u> </u><u>(</u><u>ii</u><u>)</u>
6) AB = DE (corresponding parts of congruent triangles are equal)
Step-by-step explanation:
Hello, please consider the following.
We will multiply the numerator and denominator by
to get rid of the root in the denominator.
First of all, we cannot divide by 0, right? So, we need to make sure that the denominator is different from 0.
We need to take any x real number different from 8/3 then and simplify the expression.
Let's do it!
Thank you