Answer: see below.
gases dissolve more in colder water, so in summer the water can become oxygen depleted. Evaporation in summer can reduce water volume; even in summer rainfall climate evaporation rates may exceed precipitation. Evaporation will also cause higher conentrations of solutes of which some may reach toxic levels. Summer sun may also cause algal or cyanobacterial blooms which can further deplete dissolved oxygen and may release toxins into the water.
Its B!
Lets say a brown bunny who usally lives in the forest, has to move to the artic. The bunny would adapt by turning its skin white, to keep it warm from the cold and to blend in from predators. This enhances the bunnys survival in the artic!
Hope this helped!
A. Respiration
The process in which oxygen atoms are made available to the cell of animals is called cell respiration. In cell respiration the food molecules undergo process which is called food oxidization, that make it available to be absorbed by the animal cell.
Breathing source oxygen elements easy to live human