In China from very early times, men have been seen as the core of the family. The ancestors to whom a Shang or Zhou dynasty king made sacrifices were his patrilineal ancestors, that is, his ancestors linked exclusively through men (his father’s father, his father’s father’s father, and so on). When women enter the early historical record, it is often because they caused men problems. Some women schemed to advance their own sons when their husband had sons by several women. Women’s loyalties were often in question. In 697 BCE, for instance, the daughter of one of the most powerful ministers in the state of Zheng learned from her husband that the ruler had ordered him to kill her father. After her mother advised her that “All men are potential husbands, but you have only one father,” she told her father of the plot, and he promptly killed her husband. The ruler of Zheng placed the blame on the husband for foolishly confiding in his wife. Taken together, accounts of these sorts present a mixed picture of women and the problems they presented for men in the nobility. The women in their lives were capable of loyalty, courage, and devotion, but also of intrigue, manipulation, and selfishness.
thers more but ill save you the reading hope this helped . :)
Topical retinoid
Topical retinoid is a lotion, cream and gel that is being made from vitamin A that is used for the proliferation and used to reduce the keratinization of the skin cells that independent for their functions as a vitamin. Many of the branding creams contain retinol content int their products.
To reduce the moderation of acne, pimple, etc.
It is being used to reduce the scars.
But sometimes it can irritate the skin specially sensitive skin.
It can increase the chances of sin burn with some people.
Sensation Thinking
Myers-Briggs personality type indicator is a type of self-inventory. This personality is designated to find out the personality type, the strength and the preferences of a person. This test was invented by Isabel Mayer and her mother Katherine Briggs. This inventory was based on the work of Carl Jung's theory.
The scale has four different scales :
- Extroversion and Introversion
- Sensing and Intuition
- Thinking and feeling
- Judging and perceiving
Sensing and thinking:
These both categories are related to gathering information from the environment and depends on people and how these people use that sensation in judgment and making the decision.
Answer: D. Systematic
Explanation: Harmon clothing is likely experiencing a systematic political risk. A systematic political risk can be explained as the political events, decision or regulations which can negatively affect the growth or survival of a business or investment in a particular country. Systematic political risks may affect all segments of a country's market or it might be targeted towards a particular sector or market segment. Systematic political risk may stem from wholesale change in policies and regulation of the host government due to change of power or shift in major economic decisions or protocol.
Entonces, se estaría tratando de la solución saturada, aquella que ha alcanzado la máxima concentración, es decir, todo el soluto que puede disolverse en una cantidad de solvente a una temperatura dada.