Potential rate of return on investments and the level of risk are directly correlated. In general, if the level of risk of investment increases, the amount of potential return increases as well. As investors move up on the 'pyramid of investment risk' the chances of losing increase along with the amount of potential return.
explaining your reasoning
People will never understand and cannot start to thing the same way you do if you don't explain why you have a certain opinion. I hope this helps
if you wanted people to attend then you would have to announce it in a newsletter or something so that the word can get around. when someone knows they would tell their friends and they would tell there friends. anyway i think you get it the word will get around after that they will want to have a look on line to see what you do so make sure that you have a online web page after that people will want to come and have a look so make sure that you are nice and polite mention that they will be getting a good education.
maybe try and mention about what subjects you would be doing mention the core subjects which are maths english and science mention about schools trip what they will be
The silk road is important because of getting to see exotic customs which is connected through the trade routes. while they get to trade more items with other people (movement of goods) and brings cultures all around (ethno-culture)!
The estimated cot to America for traffic crashes caused by underage drinkers is more than 10 billion dollars per year.
This cost came from various public property that has to be repaired and the hospitalization by the accident caused by the underage drinkers.