In local galactic group the force of expansion of universe is overcome by the force of attraction due to gravity. Best example is our own galaxy milky way and another giant galaxy in our local group Andromeda. Andromeda having enormous gravity is pulling milky way towards itself, overcoming the force of expansion.
So, there are possibilities of collision despite the expansion of universe at a rapid pace. It is estimated that the milky way and Andromeda will collide each other after about 50 billion years from now.
Answers can be seen below
First we must explain the essential when we clear equations, and that is that if the term we need to clear is accompanied by other terms that are being added up, then those terms go to the other side of the equation to subtract if those terms are subtracting, then they go to the other side to add, if those terms are found multiplying then they go to the other side of the equation to divide and if those other terms are found dividing then they go to the other side of the equation to multiply.
(Primero debemos explicar lo esencial cuando despejamos ecuaciones, y es que si el término que necesitamos despejar va acompañado de otros términos que se están sumando, entonces esos términos van al otro lado de la ecuación para restar si esos términos están restando, luego van al otro lado para sumar, si esos términos se encuentran multiplicando luego van al otro lado de la ecuación a dividir, y si esos términos se encuentran dividiendo, pasan al otro lado de la ecuación a multiplicar.)
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His. Curbs I b h bs. H b u b
weight = mg acts
downwards <span>
normal force = N acts upwards.
and force F acts at an angle θ below the horizontal.
(Let us assume that the woman pushes from the left, so F is
acted towards the right, which is below the horizontal)
so that, Frictional force, f=us*N acts towards the left
Now we balance the forces along x and y directions:
y direction: N = mg + F sinΘ
x direction: us * N = F cosΘ
We let the value of µs be equal to a value such that any F
will not be able to move the crate. Then, if we increase F by an amount F',
then the force pushing the crate towards the right also increases by F' cosΘ. Additionally,
the frictional force f must raise by exactly this amount.
Since f can’t exceed us*N, so the normal force must increase
by F' cosΘ/us.
Also, from the y direction equation, the normal force exceeds
by F' sin Θ.
<span>These two values must be the same, therefore:
<span>us = cot θ</span></span></span>
Herz is a measurement for how many cycles of the wave occur per second, which in this case is 261. the period is the time it takes to complete 1 cycle, so if 261 cycles occur per second, one cycle occurs every 1/261 seconds