psychosocial development
Erik Erikson has given the theory of psychosocial development in which he has mentioned eight different stages from infancy or birth of the child to adulthood.
According to Erikson, in each of the stages an individual experiences a particular psychosocial crisis that can often have a negative or positive outcome or result for his or her personality development.
Psychosocial development came into existence after Erikson has criticized Sigmund Freud's psychosexual developmental stage because he believes that a child grows differently throughout the life irrespective of the five stages that Freud has to give. A psychosocial development includes the interaction between psychological development or the social environment.
Answer: Inca
The Incas were one of the most civilized peoples in America. They comprised mainly the Quechua, Aymará, Yunka, etc. tribes, which, according to the Spanish, formed the Empire of the Incas, a name derived from the reigning family belonging to the Quechua tribe, the main of the empire.
The Inca culture has been totally destroyed and today only ruins of its grand monuments, temples and palaces remain.
A psychiatrist is known as a physician which specializes in mental issues and ailments. They are found in most psychiatric homes and prescribe drugs for use by mentally ill people.
A clinical psychologist sounds familiar but isn’t concerned and trained with prescription of drugs . He is more involved in the use of psychotherapy to help the patients get better. This however makes a psychiatrist the right choice.
The statement is true that in 1999, there was a limit on the amount of earning subject to the Social Security tax. The earnings that was subject to the Social Security tax in that year was $72,600.00. The goal was to maintain the relationship between preretirement earnings and benefits as well as wage rise.
They were the founders of democracy and they held meatings to vote for things and thats where we get the elections from