6.1328 kg
60.16284 N
r = Radius of ball = 0.11 m
= Density of fluid =
g = Acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s²
m = Mass of ball
V = Volume of ball = 
The weight of the bowling ball will balance the buouyant force

The mass of the bowling ball will be 6.1328 kg
Weight will be 
Electrons have a negative charge, so if you give away electrons, you give away negative charge, thus ending with a positive charge.
To find the values of the motor efficiency you use the following formula:

P_o: output power = 864J/0.5min=864J/30s=28.8W
P_i: input power = I*V = (3A)(12V) = 36W
By replacing this values you obtain:

hence, the motor efficiency is about 96%
Pentru a găsi valorile eficienței motorului, utilizați următoarea formulă:
P_o: putere de ieșire = 864J / 0.5min = 864J / 30s = 28.8W
P_i: putere de intrare = I * V = (3A) (12V) = 36W
Înlocuind aceste valori obțineți:
prin urmare, eficiența motorului este de aproximativ 96%
800 J Got it right on edgenuity
A. Geocentric: This model is Earth Centered
. Retrograde motion is explained by epicycles
B. Heliocentric: This model is Sun centered. Retrograde motion is explained by the orbital speeds of planets
C. Both geocentric and heliocentric: Epicycles and deferents help explain planetary motion
. Planets move in circular orbits and with uniform motion
. The brightness of a planet increases when the planet is closest to Earth.
The principle of the Ptolemy's geocentric model was developed on the assumption that the center of the universe is the Earth. On the other hand, the principle of the Copernicus' heliocentric model was based on the assumption that the center of the universe is the sun. However, both models have a common ideology on uniform circular motion and epicycles.