The branches of the federal government are: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches.
The Executive Branch: Can check the power of the Judicial Branch by nominating judges and can check the power of the Legislative Branch by applying a veto on a congressional legislation.
The Judicial Branch: Can check the power of the Executive Branch by declaring an presidential act unconstitutional and check the power of the legislative branch by declaring a law unconstitutional.
The Legislative Branch: Can check the Executive Branch by approving or not presidential nominations and controlling the budget and check the power of the judicial branch by confirming the Presidents nominations to Courts, impeach judges and remove them from office.
The three branches are the judicial, executive and and the legislative. the Judicial (the supreme and lower courts) can check the law to see if it may be considered unconstitutional Legislative ( senate and the house of representatives) can override a veto with 2/3 vote Executive (the president) can veto laws passed by the legislative branch
The person described above is Damián Massanet. He was born in Majorca. He was one of the priest that founded Santa Cruz college when he travelled to Spain.
He accompanied Alonso De León when he went to search for René Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle's Fort St. Louis. He also assisted in the establishment of San Francisco de los Tejas mission.