Individualistic; traditionalistic.
An individualistic political culture, as the exercise explains, is a practise that values multiculutralism where the government is as small as it is required, an utilitarian necessity, opposite to the tradicionalistic which accepts a natural hierarchy (tradition) in society, with an authoritarian leadership that values politics and religion. That's what the exercise is explaining, the individualistic and traditionalistic, as their names suggest, values personal freedom and, the other, values the social norms of a certain tradition.
1) Psychological barriers Is
We "tune out" others’ ideas that run counter to our own preconceived thoughts.
2) Physical Barriers
We find it difficult to listen because of impediments such as hearing loss, poor acoustics, or fatigue.
3) You can counter the effects of thought speed listening barriers by: controlling your surrounding.
4) You can improve your listening if you concentrate on what the speaker is saying.
5) From the scenario described
Thought speed
Nonverbal distractions
Faking attention
Are the notable listening barriers.
6) The things that will help the listener mentioned into the scenario to listen more effectively includes to:
Judge ideas, not appearances
Focus on nonverbal signals
Keep an open mind
Control his surroundings
Hello! Criminal law is responsible for establishing and regulating the punishment of crimes, through the imposition of certain penalties that the State reserves for those who violate the rules of coexistence or conduct. The State has two tools to react against crime: security measures (which seek prevention) and penalties (which involve punishment).
women were responsible for gathering plants,seed, and taking care of their kids