Most researchers and experts on autism assert that there is no link between vaccination and autism in children
Research suggest that autism is majorly caused by genetic disorders, though it is also caused by non-genetic factors and environmental factors. however, scientist and autism experts agree that autism is not caused by vaccination of children against diseases.
Ralph Waldo Emerson analyzes in his essay “Nature” the way in which human beings perceive the surrounding world.
Ralph Waldo Emerson analyzes in his essay “Nature” the way in which human beings perceive the surrounding world. Describing different elements present in the countryside, the objects around, the other alive beings, the stars, among other elements that compound this world that we humans share. He says that we are never alone, God is always present according to Emerson. He talks about God as the link between the forming human beings and the universal spirit. Emerson also mentions that nature is the connection process of stimulation for creativity in order for human beings to find the meaning and contact with the spiritual dimension.
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A slipper
What do you call a shoe make out of a banana?