Mirroring fatalities numbers tornadoes were the major cause of injuries in 2008 causing 1,714 injuries followed by thunderstorms and high winds with 393 victims heat with 217 and lightning with 216
We might assume that, due to injury stewart's brain functional part are lost. Brain plasticity are the ability of the brain to change the thoughts and thinking ability throughout life. It basically depend upon one's capability of thinking and their age.
Brain injury damaged the mental functions which resulting loss of brain disabilities life long. It also affect our life in many ways caused headache, memory problems and depression.
How to explain how mental ill health may have an impact on the individual including ,pschological?
-Difficulty establishing and maintaining friendships or romantic relationships
-become paranoid and therefore exclude him or her self
-person may become paranoid and therefore hurt others who she/he fears will try to hurt him/her
-may become isolated and therefore out of touch with other people and reality in general
- may feel unloved even if it is not true
- may feel like she is a threat to society and therefore attempt suicide
-person may feel isolated, unloved, paranoid, panicked and non-human
- Difficulty keeping and holding a job