I maybe wrong but i believe 36
A: BE has more ionization energy than LI
B: CA has more ionization energy than BA.
C: NA has more ionization energy than K
D: AR has more ionization energy than P
E: CI has a more ionization energy than SI
F: LI has more ionization energy than K
If any of these are wrong feel free to correct me in the comments.
Weathering is the process by which rocks are broken down by either physical or chemical means. Physical weathering involves physical factors that cause mechanical break down of rocks while chemical weathering involves chemical reactions between the contents of the rocks and other factors such air (oxygen). Agents of weathering are the factors that cause or enhance both physical and chemical weathering. Some of these factors cause both physical and chemical weathering these includes water and temperature.
In aqueous solution the pH scale varies from 0 to 14, which indicates this concentration of hydrogen. Solutions with pH less than 7 are acidic (the value of the exponent of the concentration is higher, because there are more ions in the solution) and alkaline (basic) those with a pH higher than 7. If the solvent is pure water, the pH = 7 indicates neutrality of the solution
PH is a measure of how acidic or basic a liquid is. Specifically, from a dissolution. The acidity of a solution is essentially due to the concentration of hydrogen ions dissolved in it. In reality, the ions are not found alone, but are in the form of hydronium ions consisting of one oxygen molecule and three positively charged hydrogen. PH precisely measures this concentration. And to do it, we can use simple and very visual methods.