the pressure of gas is 100.0 the volume is 500.0
Ok so, b. A redox reaction occurs in an electrochemical cell, where silver (Ag) is oxidized and nickel (Ni) is reduced - In voltaic cells, also called galvanic cells, oxidation occurs at the anode and reduction occurs at the cathode. A mnemonic for this is "An Ox. Red Cat." So since silver is oxidized, the silver half-cell is the anode. And the nickel half-cell is the cathode...
i. Write the half-reactions for this reaction, indicating the oxidation half-reaction and the reduction half-reaction- The substance having highest positive  potential will always get reduced and will undergo reduction reaction. Here, zinc will always undergo reduction reaction will get reduced
ii. Which metal is the anode, and which is the cathode?-The anode is where the oxidation reaction takes place. In other words, this is where the metal loses electrons. The cathode is where the reduction reaction takes place.
iii. Calculate the standard potential (voltage) of the cell
Look up the reduction potential,
, for the reduction half-reaction in a table of reduction potentials
Look up the reduction potential for the reverse of the oxidation half-reaction and reverse the sign to obtain the oxidation potential. For the oxidation half-reaction,
iv. What kind of electrochemical cell is this? Explain your answer.
All parts in the electrochemical cells are labeled in second figure. Following are the part in electrochemical cells
1) Anode 2) Cathode 3) gold Stripe (Electrode) 4) Aluminium Glasses (Electrode) 5) Connecting wires 6) Battery
U won’t get hyperthermia or a heat stroke when ur hot u use up more energy but when ur cold u use up less
Hypoventilation can cause oxygen levels to fall too low, a condition called Hypoxia and carbon dioxide levels may rise too high, a condition called Hypercapnia.
Hypoxia is a state in which there is insufficient oxygen reaching the tissues of the body or a specific area of the body.
Generalized hypoxia, which affects the entire body, and local hypoxia, which affects a specific area of the body, are the two types of hypoxia.
Although fluctuations in arterial oxygen concentrations are frequently associated with clinical conditions, they can also occur naturally during severe physical activity or hypoventilation training.
A rise in carbon dioxide partial pressure (PaCO2) above 45 mmHg is referred to as hypercapnia.
The body produces carbon dioxide as a metabolic byproduct of its numerous cellular functions, and it has a number of physiological systems at its disposal to control its levels.
Learn more about Hypoxia here
Any atom gaining electrons will get a negative change since the charge of the electron is negative.