According to Marx, division of labour is imposed on workers so that the capitalists may benefit. Durkheim stresses cooperation, whilst Marx stresses exploitation and conflict
The correct answer is option B.
During the period of slowdown in the US economy, the government announced a program of tax rebates. This program classifies as a discretionary policy as it is planned by the government.
Tax rebates will lead to an increase in the disposable income of the consumer. This will cause the demand for goods to increase and further lead to an increase in consumer spending.
This is an example of an expansionary policy.
The Calendar. ...
Sun Clock. ...
Shaving, Haircut & Wigs. ...
Cosmetics. ...
Mathematics. ...
Toothpaste. ...
Mummification. ...
Black Ink. ...
Writing. ...
The author arguing that the American Indians were able to help the Pilgrims, because they were sophisticated is True.
The decision of whether to celebrate thanksgiving or not is what's dividing the native Americans. Keller wrote an editorial where she told that the ability to share the Indians helps the natives to survive the mass murder.
Even the Indians had nothing to give but still, the came forth to help them. It is True that the author is arguing that the American Indians were sophisticated because they knew that to give without holding back is one way to earn respect.
The Senate has the sole power to conduct impeachment trials, essentially serving as jury and judge.