784/ 93 = 8.43010752688
93 * <span>8.43010752688 = 784</span>
When you use this formula slope = rise/run like rise over run than you find the slope. rise me y and run means x. So when the line slopes downwards to the right it became negative slope as x increases and when line sloped upward to the right the slope become positive as y decreases.
formula to find slope: slope = rise/run or y/x
the answer to your question would be b,6 1/4
You would work 5 hours a day
m = 300w OR w = m/300
Step-by-step explanation:
They start with 10k, but that's immediately sold, so they're back at a flat 0. Every week they gain 1000 but lose 700 for a net profit of positive 300.
Therefore, the maximum capacity would be 300 multiplied by the number of weeks. If we know the maximum, then the answer would be m (maximum) divided by 300.