C.) she may be infertile but she could use help to impregnate her.
Answer:.What factors may have predisposed Ms. Floyd to dehydration?Her age puts her at risk for dehydration and lack of nutrition. In addition, her lack of fluid intake and profuse vomiting have worsened her status. Metamucil can cause difficulty swallowing which may have impacted her willingness to drink. HTCZ causes severe dehydration. Lastly, metroprolol can result in the side effect of diarrhea, causing further dehydration. 2.What types of fluids should be used to treat Mrs. Floyd’s condition?IV solution saline should help her hydration status, as well as drinking more water. Lastly, isotonic IV fluids can be administered to further increase her hydration.
Answer: D. people of all ages with low income
Medicaid serves people of all ages with low income.
Medicaid refers a federal program which is administered by the state to provide medical services payment for low income citizens. The state is to set the rate of payment for medical services, establish its eligibility standards, determine the amount and duration of its services and so on. Citizens can qualify for Medicaid by meeting federal income and asset standards and by fitting into a specified eligibility.
The normal force(the force pushing up from a flat surface) is equal to the force of gravity (the force pushing down on the object) at 5N so they cancel each other out. The other two forces are going in opposite directions, one positive and one negative. Subtracting 10N-5N would give you the amount of force that is not canceled (5N) in the direction of the biggest force (to the left)
The correct answer is C:
As individuals grow older, their dependability score increases over time.
Studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between aging and dependability.
Dependability here refers to the extent to which one relies on others in other to continue to carry out rudimentary mammalian functions.
Examples of such functions are:
- Walking
- Getting groceries
- Doing Chores
- and other physically exerting activities.
This is not to say that there are no aging adults who go into the geriatric space with their mental strength and reasonable physical strength intact. The above happens because they have good genes and disciplined themselves to maintain a healthy lifestyle of good diets as well as mental and physical excercise.