Well support groups are called "support" groups for a reason right?? Usually in a support group people take turns explaining what's going on right? Well if someone says (Example) My auntie has lung cancer and the doctors said it's to far in and we don't have a date yet. The best thing someone can say "I am here for you." No one wants to hear "I can relate" I mean you could but when someone share that they want to be empathized. They want to be supported and have people with them on their journey..
Hope this helps have a good day and good luck! :) <33
"You were born to be real, not perfect"
Our immune systems have improved over the years due to improvements in the medical fields. I also believe your brain has a bigger effect on how sick you actually allow yourself to become
The correct option is B
Angina is described as pain in the chest and its described as pressure and squeezing pain. Followed with the fact that she started smoking very early with the increase in blood pressure and diabetes. So this will reduce the blood supply to the heart and cause pain. There would be narrowing of the blood vessels reducing blood flow.