Yah it’s a Go phase because of the cell cycle.
Re-posting some old information I found on this website
<span>When a fungus infects a body, it attacks the host by destroying and often taking over cells. When a person has an allergic reaction (to anything) the substance triggers the body to send histamines and excess water to the affected area, swelling and closing the area to prevent infection. - Answer Provided by ChaoticPiece</span>
It is possible for a child to have the blood type O if the parents have A+ and B+. However, this blood type has the lowest probability of occuring (6.25%),
The highest probability for an offspring with parents like Karent and Jeremy is AB with a chance of 56.25%. Next are A and B each with a chance of 18.75%.
However, if one of the parents is AB, then the chances for an offspring with O blood type is zero.
The answer is C. They have similar anatomical structures