Parsimony, to understand it first of all we have to know what is the meaning of these words. This is a word that is used in the late middle age of literature in English. It is an extreme thriftiness economy and frugality. This is the word that means in psychology to an accurate explanation about the cognitive process and the behavior of a person.
We all know that our brain is a complex procedure but we can not make our understanding so complex. Many of the psychologists make it so simple and understandable and unsupported assumptions. So that most of the psychologist prefer parsimonious.
The first three options refer more to the emphasis on the environment: they emphasize the environmentally friendly way of production through recycling, limiting waste and using renewable resources: they don't say anything about the quality of the production.
The correct answer is: Natural resources are very important.
resources are god gifted . more resources more development. yes the above statement is true.
Resources are important for the development of any country. It would be a fair assumption to make that a country with a large. Natural resources, economic growth, and sustainable development. .resources have a double-edge effect on economic growth, in that the intensity of its use raises output, but increases its depletion rate. Natural resource is a key input in the production process that stimulates economic growth. No resources no growth.Natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable, and ecosystem services are a part of the real wealth of nations. They are the natural capital out of which other forms of capital are made. They contribute towards fiscal revenue, income, and poverty reduction.the measures of natural resource wealth may be endogenous to institutions and, in particular, its level of democracy.
thus for the proper development of a nation being rich in resources is benifitial
The Answer is Alexander the Great .
This agency was called The United States Office of War Information
It was created in June 1942 and it was providing information about the war, including propaganda, until 1945. This office also provided propaganda abroad, to weaken the support for the Nazi Party.