If a scientist makes the argument that she has found DNA evidence that shows that evolution does not exist, the evidence would be the weak physical similarities among closely related organism and also among distantly related.
Answer: I believe the answer is D because I know that you can't kill a eagle in the U.S. because it is a protected species.
Xh is the recessive trait found in the female chromosome.
Normally there are 4000 to 11000 WBCs in a microliter of blood averaging almost 7500. While there are 150,000 to 350,000 platelets in a microliter blood of a normal person averaging almost 250,000. Thus the ratio can be as 250,000 :7500 resulting in 33.3. If a range is to be given, it ranges from 31.8 to 37.5 per microliter of blood.