um how about no.. this is not the site for what you're looking for...
1. A <em>series circuit </em>is a closed circuit which has all loads connected in a row and there is only one path for the current to flow.
2. The <em>Ohm's Law </em>state that a current flow through a resistor is directly proportional to the voltage across it
3. A <em>parallel circuit </em>is a closed circuit divided into branches that it has two o more paths for the current to flow and the loads are parallel to each other which mean the voltage across them is the same for all loads.
<u>ALL of the following work assumes NO AIR RESISTANCE:</u>
1). an object moving under the influence of only gravity, and not in orbit; its horizontal velocity is constant, and its vertical motion is accelerated downward at 9.8 m/s²
2). a parabola
3). Horizontal: velocity is constant, acceleration is zero. . . . Vertical: acceleration is 9.8 m/s² downward, velocity depends on whether it was launched, thrown up, thrown down, dropped, etc.
4). a). the one that was thrown horizontally; b). both hit the ground at the same time; c). both hit the ground with the same vertical velocity
5). a). zero; b). zero; c). gravity ... 9.8 m/s² down; d). 3.06 seconds; e). 4.38 m/s; f). 30 m/s g). no; gravity has no effect on horizontal motion
6). a). 1.8 seconds; b). 13.1 meters; c). 17.6 m/s down; d). 7.3 m/s; gravity has no effect on horizontal motion
7). 45 m/s
8). without air resistance, the ball is traveling horizontally at 13 km/hr, and it lands back in your hand
9). a). 4.49 m/s; b). 29.7 m/s
10). 7.24 meters
11). 700 meters
12). A). 103.7 meters ( ! she's in big trouble ! ); B). 17.5 meters
The FREQUENCY of light remains unchanged once it leaves the source.