The government does not regulate natural cures like cupping, homeopathy, magnet therapy, immunization scares, and HIV/AIDS "cures."
Restraints keep someone or something under control or within limits.Restraints protect patient without much regard for the physical or emotional well-being of the patient. These restraints often cause stress to patients.
Fear-free techniques aim to reduce stress around hospitalization, anesthesia and surgery.
So, fear-free restraint is aimed at <span>stopping fear of restraint.</span>
Because most people do not look inwardly at what they do, think or feel. It is a very difficult task to look at yourself with stark naked honesty. For example, what do you think when you break up with someone? Do you automatically think it is the other person's fault, or do you look to your own part of what has happened? Most people don't ever think o f their own part; they're two busy nursing the pain.